
50 Beautiful And Creative Portfolio Designs

Just found this Blog. Was looking for creative Portfolio. Was surprise to see that we are part of the top 50. If your are looking for tips on how you should present your "stuff" online, take a close look.

Martin Gauthier


Today's Front Page

An amazingly useful application that let's you visualize newspaper Front Page across the world. Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up.Double click and the page gets larger. mThen you can either read the pdf version or click through to the paper itself in the upper right corner. You can look at the European papers as well. The site changes everyday with the publication of new editions of the paper. Very Cool!

Do you think that newspaper will die one day? I personally don't think so, but I wouldn't invest a dim in this industry.

- Martin Gauthier

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