
50 Beautiful And Creative Portfolio Designs

Just found this Blog. Was looking for creative Portfolio. Was surprise to see that we are part of the top 50. If your are looking for tips on how you should present your "stuff" online, take a close look.

Martin Gauthier


Jean-julien Guyot a dit...

Pretty nice selection thx !

bonus 28 more:
- http://cssbuilt.com/2008/11/28-beautiful-and-creative-portfolio/

extra online service:
- http://speckyboy.com/2008/11/26/8-amazing-free-online-creative-portfolio-community-sites-share-and-inspire/

suppa 90 inspirational portfolio designs:
- http://www.instantshift.com/2009/01/05/90-inspirational-and-creative-portfolio-designs/

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